Singing Guide: Anna Naklab

Singing Guide: Anna Naklab

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Anna Naklab is a German singer who has gained popularity for her soulful voice in the contemporary dance and pop genres. Her unique vocal technique is characterized by her enunciation and phrasing, which she uses to create deeply emotional performances.

To sound like Anna Naklab, we need to focus on certain elements of singing that are key to her style. This article will cover some of the practical tips and exercises that will help you learn to sing like Anna Naklab.

  • Breathing: Breathing is an essential element of singing. Anna Naklab's singing style is known for her breathy vocal tone and relaxed breathing patterns. Try practicing the Farinelli Breathing exercise from Singing Carrots to help you master breathing control and breath support.
  • Pitch and Tone control: Anna Naklab's emotive style is characterized by her use of pitch and tone control in her singing. Our platform includes tools like the Pitch training game, the Pitch accuracy test, and the Vocal Pitch Monitor, which can help you improve your pitch and tone control.
  • Vocal Registers and Range: Anna Naklab's vocal range is unique, and her ability to switch between vocal registers is what makes her stand out as a singer. Use Singing Carrots range test tool to determine your vocal range, and then practice the Voice Break and Mixed Voice exercises from the skill-related videos section of the resources provided to help you develop a mix voice.
  • Emotion and Expression: Anna Naklab's music is known for conveying strong emotions through her voice. To develop your own style and improve your emotive techniques, try practicing the Relaxing Breath and performance tips exercises from the skill-related videos. Also, check out the article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking.
  • Song selection: There are many songs in Anna Naklab's catalog that perfectly showcase her vocal technique and emotive style. Some of her popular songs include "Supergirl," "Wicked Game," and "Whole." Use the Song-book tool from Singing Carrots to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.

By following these practical tips, utilizing our resources, and practicing relevant exercises, you'll be on your way to singing like Anna Naklab in no time. Keep in mind that finding your own unique voice is also an essential part of singing, so don't be afraid to put your spin on things. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.